The Daily Battle of the Bulge...maintain not gain!

Meeting my goal of a family photo shoot I was reading my US weekly mag today, aka "girl porn", and came across the "Life after Loser" article by Eric Anderson & Brad Witter. It was, as expected, a puff piece celebrating the 10 yr anniversary of the Biggest Loser show and spotlighting 5 contestants and their 600 lb collective weight loss. I have been a fan of the show for the last 10 years and even began my weight loss journey using their pay program with great success. I still cook from their cookbooks and the other recipes I got from their website frequently. However, I have always been bothered by the extreme weight loss contestants experience during such a short period of time and the complete lack of support they receive after their season wraps. It seems they gain a significant portion of their weight back. At this point in my journey I am highly concerned with maintenance. I would love to drop this last 20 stubborn lbs, but as long as I am main...