SELF Magazine, I think I'll pass

Notice the light up tutu, my favorite yet!

Rarely do things fill me with such righteous indignation that I feel the need to contact the editors responsible for allowing the content to go public, but that is exactly what happened when I opened my facebook account today and became aware of this story:

Thanks to: Miles, Muscles & Mommyhood: SELF Magazine: LAME for the following picture. Check out their post on this as it gives great content from the Glam Runner facebook page.

"The real story behind this photo is not that tutus are a “lame” fad. Despite what SELF Magazine published, it is not that “people think these froufrou skirts make you run faster.”

The real story behind 
this photo is that Tara and Monika, pictured here, are board members for Girls on the Run San Diego. They founded Glam Runner, a business that sells running tutus, to raise funds for the council. They are dedicated to helping grow the program in their community. The real story behind this photo is that the awesome duo were running the LA Marathon while Monika was receiving chemotherapy treatments for brain cancer.

One of our core values is to stand up for yourself and others, so we are standing up for Tara and Monika, as well as every other runner who has finished a race feeling awesome in a tutu." -courtesy of the Glam Runner facebookpage

I am a proud tutu runner! This has me FURIOUS. I really feel SELF magazine needs to rethink their writers and their editors as well as their whole platform! I was a long time subscriber to this magazine, but about two years ago I let my subscription lapse as I was becoming less excited about the issues. In fact it started looking more like Cosmopolitan and less like a fitness magazine. I see that my fears for the projection of the magazine were correct. 

As women we have the ability to come together and lift each other up, it is something we do well. I think that as a fitness based magazine, SELF has that responsibility too. I see that they disagree. That is unfortunate. 

Running is hard! Running long distance is really hard! Sometimes wearing a tutu helps. It allows other runners to comment and cheer you on, it encourages spectators to cheer for you. It brings a smile to the faces of  fellow runners, spectators, and most importantly to me.  It is a win, win, win. 

I will continue to run while rockin' my tutu's! It makes it fun and that is all that matters. Shame on you SELF magazine. 


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