
Healing starts with Forgiveness and...good food.

This April 2017 new moon in Taurus brings energy for healing and manifestation. For me the healing begins with forgiveness. Forgiveness that I am human, and I make mistakes in order to learn and become the brightest expression of my soul. It seems easier to forgive others actions and aggression's against me, and so much harder to find that same compassion for myself. I will forever be a work in progress, and that is a beautiful thing. Seeking my strength! I have found myself struggling with the gravity of the current government situation and looming threat of Nuclear War. It is disheartening, and yet there is no option to give up or stick my head in the sand. I am trying to find forgiveness of myself for my current withdrawal from activism. Instead I have focused my energy on plunging deeply into training for my upcoming Half Marathon and Olympic Triathlon. It is imperative that I care for my physical body in order to summon the strength to keep up the #Resistance. I am pr...

Self-care for the Resistance

Today an idea sparked, while I was preparing the most amazing breakfast , that will hopefully bring  this blog back to life. I am making a weekly post promise to bring messages and tools for self care in this epic time of Resistance! We can not be successful in our pursuits to bring humanity and integrity back to the White House if we are not standing in our own personal power and strength.  I have oscillated between exhaustion, disbelief, and righteous indignation. I have spent more hours calling Washington and my local and state representatives than I ever thought possible. There have also been times that I just went back to bed because hope seemed lost. I refuse to give up, and I want to help everyone else keep up the good fight. We can only do that if we continue to nourish ourselves and each other. Today's message is to nourish your body with fresh air and good food. I used this recipe to make the rainbow chard for my breakfast. I added over easy eggs with...

Going, going... Gone (and Goofy for good!)

Three Goofy runners the night before it all began.  The morning of the first race was so cold! I couldn't feel my hands and we were at the start by 3:30 am. I was shivering until we actually started at 6:15 am. Winter racing is unpredictable, even in Florida! Goofing off at the halfway point for the half marathon!  We did it! We all finished! It may have taken me longer, but I didn't quit! The medal have to be this pretty to convince people to run 39.3 miles!

work out ideas

TRX rows one legged (squats, pistol squat or figure 4 squat) bicep curl tricep extension push up (static push up or moving) superman static hold squat jumps single arm side row (handles intertwined) straight arm press/row one arm bent/other straight press, row overhead press feet in straps plank knee pull into chest or pike Core plank plank transitions plank saw one legged plank side plank with rotation under side plank windshield wipers 50/50 v ups bicyicles  crunches  full rollups leg lifts reverse crunch ball slams ball transition Full body mountain climbers push up with rotation burpees inch worm ape crawl everest hops medicine ball wall toss with squats turkish get up Legs Squats lunges reverse lunges walking lunges with rotation lunges with medicine ball on one shoulder step ups box jumps Misc. Push ups push ups with rotation ball push ups tricep push ups static push up one hand on ball push up kettle bell swing ...

Goodbye & Good Riddance 2015!

I know that hard times cultivate the most growth, but this year was almost too much to bear. I started 2015 by turning 40 and running a marathon and a half in two consecutive days. Returning home from that race, I was tired. I didn't want to run any more. I wanted to rest, to eat, to drink, and to just be. I did all of those things, and then my world was turned upside down. I have had more stress this year, than ever in my life. I am not sure that I have coped with my stress in the best way. I ate too much, drank way too much, and got a bit lost. In short, I think this blog is perfectly titled as I am still seeking my strength. Looking back on 2015, I find that I made it through and thankfully my family is still intact. We all survived. I am ready to move beyond the lessons that 2015 brought, to say thank you but no more! I am ready for the dawn of 2016, and I am excited. I am not waiting for January 1st to make the changes I desire. I felt the pull to start at the winter solst...

The Daily Battle of the Bulge...maintain not gain!

Meeting my goal of a family photo shoot I was reading my US weekly mag today, aka "girl porn", and came across the "Life after Loser"  article by Eric Anderson & Brad Witter. It was, as expected, a puff piece celebrating the 10 yr anniversary of the Biggest Loser  show and spotlighting 5 contestants and their 600 lb collective weight loss. I have been a fan of the show for the last 10 years and even began my weight loss journey using their pay program with great success. I still cook from their cookbooks and the other recipes I got from their website frequently. However, I have always been bothered by the extreme weight loss contestants experience during such a short period of time and the complete lack of support they receive after their season wraps. It seems they gain a significant portion of their weight back. At this point in my journey I am highly concerned with maintenance. I would love to drop this last 20 stubborn lbs, but as long as I am main...

No Setback, only Comebacks

Today is a new day! I have had a great summer. It was so fantastic to travel with my family and feel really good about myself the entire time. However, now that I have returned from my last trip it is time to get honest. I ate unhealthy foods, I drank more alcohol than I needed, and I stopped lifting weights. The result of all of those things is: my clothes are tight, I am tired, and I just don't feel as good as when Dare to Lose ended. The way I see it these are my options: Let it completely derail all of my accomplishments Be afraid to go back to the gym out of embarrassment Get back on track and use all of the tools I have gained to hit my goal I am choosing number 3. Although I am not going to pretend that I haven't thought about #2 a lot.   All of this travel has taught me something about myself: this journey will be a lifelong process and I am never giving up. It is ok, I am ok. I had an active summer full of hitting my running goals. I was able to ...