Self-care for the Resistance

Today an idea sparked, while I was preparing the most amazing breakfast, that will hopefully bring 
this blog back to life. I am making a weekly post promise to bring messages and tools for self care in this epic time of Resistance! We can not be successful in our pursuits to bring humanity and integrity back to the White House if we are not standing in our own personal power and strength. 

I have oscillated between exhaustion, disbelief, and righteous indignation. I have spent more hours calling Washington and my local and state representatives than I ever thought possible. There have also been times that I just went back to bed because hope seemed lost. I refuse to give up, and I want to help everyone else keep up the good fight. We can only do that if we continue to nourish ourselves and each other.

Today's message is to nourish your body with fresh air and good food. I used this recipe to make the rainbow chard for my breakfast. I added over easy eggs with some sriracha for extra protein/kick, and I added some cardamom, green onions, and a pinch of salt to the chard. I highly recommend this recipe. It was simple and delicious. 

The other message is to engage in the 21 Day Meditation Experience that began on Monday April 9th, 2017 through the Chopra Center for Meditation. These are short (20 min tops) guided meditations with journal support voiced by Deepak Chopra. This theme is Hope During Uncertain Times. Meditations are available for 5 days after they are initially posted, so Day 1 is still up. If you are using the excuse that you don't have time, I challenge you to listen as you lay down for the night. Even if you fall asleep, I call that success. It means you are quieting the monkey mind and resting, renewing. 

I am so happy to be back writing and sharing my thoughts and tips! I hope you will join me on this new journey, and do something nice for yourself today. I am ready to head out for a walk/run to enjoy this beautiful sunny day. I love spring it casts a hopeful light of rebirth and renewal. 

Wishing you all a beautiful day. Namaste


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